Inclinic Effectiveness session in Association with APPON

Training is one of the most effective ways for people to develop their knowledge and skills. This process involves planned interventions to enhance knowledge, develop skills, and promote a positive attitude in order to change behavior. A training program in an organization typically aims to improve the skills, knowledge, and attitude of employees for the purpose of improving individual and organizational performance.

With this purpose Association of Pharmaceutical Producer of Nepal (APPON) organised a learning and development training program collaboratively with BaAma consultant. On 5th Kartik 2078, 100 medical representatives participated in the training program strengthening their competences and skills in handling different incllinc cases. The training program was implemented within the framework of In clinic Effectiveness. The program consisted of 4 modules: KASH (Knowledge, Attitude, Skill, Habit), The 7 Basic Selling Steps, Handling Objections and Presentation skills.

Participants were very satisfied with the trainer’s competence, enthusiasm and energy as well as with the methodologies the trainer used. The interactivity and the space for active participation and exchange among peers were highly appreciated. Most of the participants described the program as an “invaluable experience” and as “one of the most interesting trainings ever attended”.

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