Roles and Responsibilities of Zonal Sales Manager in Pharma

Zonal sales managers have a lot of responsibility and deal with highly delicate sales issues. A very large team is managed by a zonal sales manager. The zonal sales manager is in charge of a zone. Typically, one zonal sales manager covers three to five states. 

The duty of the zonal manager is to create the most lucrative zone. He is in charge of overseeing coworkers’ operations, delivering specified sales targets and associated strategic sales plan objectives. 

ZSM is mostly in charge of carrying out tasks and analyzing the team’s existing culture. He oversees a team of 70 to 100 employees, such as six regional sales managers, twelve area sales managers, and sixty medical representatives.

Here, in this blog, you will know the key responsibilities, about zonal sales manager, what ZSM contribute in pharmaceutical industry, their qualification and salary, and what are the qualities you need to have as a Zonal Sales Manager.

What does Zonal Sales Manager, or ZSM, mean?

The term “Zonal Sales Manager” refers to the head of sales for a zone who develops a strategy and business plan for sales growth in his zone and works to implement it at the ground level by directing, inspiring, and motivating his team members to generate more sales by convincing doctors to prescribe their drugs to patients, providing product information, responding to their questions, providing information about how to use a drug along with the dose required, and keeping doctors informed about the most recent changes in the industry.

What Pharma Zonal Sales Manager Contributes to a Pharma Industry?

You can quickly advance to ZSM status if you perform well as a Regional Manager and pay close attention to detail. But as you advance in rank, your duties also increase significantly.

One thing is more significant to drug companies than just receiving frequent and additional prescriptions from physicians. And a Zonal Manager manages teams in that way. There is very little chance of increasing sales in the absence of team management.

The way you connect with the Regional Manager as a Zonal Manager, the energy you bring to the team, and how well you work with him or her to boost MR’s performance are all crucial. Effective management of the pharma sales team’s second and third lines is required of a ZM. 

In addition, much like every other RSM and ASM of the pharmaceutical firm, the ZSM is responsible for generating income. Various companies may have different target criteria. It may be delivered to the ASM of a pharmaceutical firm on a quarterly, monthly, or weekly basis.

Key Responsibilities of Zonal Sales Manager

Zonal Sales Manager in the pharmaceutical industry plays a vital role in driving sales and growth within a specific geographical area, by effectively managing and leading a sales team, developing and implementing effective strategies, building relationships with key stakeholders, keeping abreast of industry trends, managing budget and collaborating with other departments, in order to help the company achieve its goals and drive success in the highly competitive pharmaceutical industry.

The key responsibilities of a Zonal Sales Manager in the pharmaceutical industry include:

key responsibilities of zonal sales manager

Setting and achieving sales targets: 

Setting sales targets and goals for the zone and ensuring they are met through effective management of the sales team.

Developing and implementing sales and marketing strategies: 

Developing and implementing effective sales and marketing strategies to increase market share and revenue within the zone.

Analyzing sales data: 

Analyzing sales data to identify trends and areas for improvement, and making adjustments to the sales strategy as needed.

Building and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders: 

Maintaining and building relationships with key stakeholders such as hospitals, healthcare providers, and pharmacies.

Providing training and support to sales representatives: 

Providing training and support to sales representatives to help them meet their targets and goals.

Keeping abreast of industry trends and developments: 

Keeping abreast of industry trends and developments, and staying informed about the competitive landscape.

Representing the company at trade shows and other industry events: 

Establishing the company’s reputation as a reputable player in the industry by attending trade shows and other industry events.

Developing and implementing digital marketing strategies: 

Using digital marketing and e-commerce to increase revenue and market share for the company’s pharmaceutical products.

Managing the budget: 

Responsible for managing the budget allocated for the zone, and ensuring that the expenses are kept within the budget limits.

Collaborating with other departments: 

Collaborating with other departments such as marketing, research and development and supply chain to ensure that the company’s goals are met and that the products are delivered on time.

Qualification and Salary of Zonal Sales Manager in Nepal

In Nepal, Zonal Sales Managers’ qualifications and salaries can vary by company and location.


  • Zonal Sales Managers typically have a bachelor’s degree in science, pharmacy, marketing, business, or a related field.
  • Many companies also prefer candidates who have a master’s degree in business administration (MBA) or a related field.
  • Having a professional qualification in sales and marketing will be an added advantage.
  • Experience in sales and marketing, specifically in the pharmaceutical industry, is also highly valued by employers.
  • Strong leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills are also essential for the role.


  • The salary of a Zonal Sales Manager in the pharmaceutical industry in Nepal can vary depending on the company and location.
  • According to the data from Payscale, the average annual salary for a Zonal Sales Manager in Nepal is around NPR 9,00,000 to NPR 12,00,000 per year.
  • Additionally, many companies also offer other benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and performance-based bonuses to their Zonal Sales Manager.

It is important to note that, the salary and qualification may vary depending on the company and location in Nepal. Some companies may offer higher salaries. Additionally, the cost of living and inflation rate in Nepal should also be taken into account when considering the salary of a Zonal Sales Manager in Nepal.

Why does the company look for a sensible person for the position of Zonal Sales Manager?

A company looks for a sensible person for the position of Zonal Sales Manager because the role requires an individual who can make sound decisions and strategic plans based on the current market trends and the company’s goals. A sensible person would be able to:

qualities you need for the position of zonal sales manager

Understand the market dynamics: 

A Zonal Sales Manager needs to have a deep understanding of the pharmaceutical industry, the specific products and markets within their zone, and the competitive landscape. A sensible person would be able to analyze this information and make informed decisions about sales strategies and market share growth.

Lead a team: 

A Zonal Sales Manager is responsible for managing and leading a team of sales representatives. A sensible person would be able to set clear goals, provide guidance and support, and effectively motivate and lead the team to achieve targets.

Make sound judgments: 

A Zonal Sales Manager is responsible for making decisions that will have a significant impact on the company’s revenue and market share. A sensible person would be able to make well-informed decisions that align with the company’s goals and objectives.

Communicate effectively: 

A ZSM needs to be able to communicate effectively with a variety of stakeholders including customers, suppliers, and industry partners. A sensible person would be able to build and maintain relationships with these stakeholders, and communicate the company’s message and vision effectively.

Think strategically: 

A Zonal Sales Manager needs to have the ability to think strategically, and develop long-term plans that will help the company achieve its goals. A sensible person would be able to identify opportunities and challenges and develop strategies to address them.

Adapt to change: 

A Zonal Sales Manager needs to be able to adapt to changes in the market and the industry, and be able to make adjustments to the sales strategy as needed. A sensible person would be able to identify new trends and opportunities, and take advantage of them to increase revenue and market share.

Overall, a company looks for a sensible person for the position of Zonal Sales Manager because the role requires someone who can make sound decisions, lead a team, communicate effectively, think strategically, and adapt to change, in order to help the company achieve its goals and drive success in the highly competitive pharmaceutical industry.

How can I obtain a job as a zonal sales manager?

Companies often hire Zonal Sales Managers from within their own teams, but occasionally they also use consultants or internet job boards to find candidates from other organizations. Internal recommendations are also very important in hiring. One may apply directly to the firm or locate ZSM employment via job portals like, and other job sites.


The Zonal Sales Manager is a key role in the pharmaceutical industry, responsible for leading and managing a sales team within a specific geographic region. Training and development of the sales team are the responsibilities of the ZSM.

For an effective learning and development for the sales team, have a consultation service with Baama Consultant to implement effective sales strategies and achieve targets. They are also responsible for monitoring market trends and identifying new business opportunities, and implementing effective sales and marketing strategies to drive growth in their region. 

Overall, the Zonal Sales Manager plays a vital role in the success of the pharma industry.

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